Российское авторское общество потребовало от фестиваля 320 тысяч рублей за исполнение песен несуществующих авторов.
Российское авторское общество (РАО) потребовало от организаторов музыкального фестиваля «Viola is my Life» выплатить 320 тысяч рублей за публично...
Долгожданные обновления!
Мы проделываем огромную кропотливую работу, чтобы постоянно наполнять наш каталог самой лучшей музыкой. В этот раз каталог пополнился бол...
Международный день музыки
Поздравляем друг друга и коллег с нашим профессиональным праздником Международным днем музыки!...
РАО хочет взыскать денег за то, что Гатри Гован исполнил произведения Гатри Гована.
Российское авторское общество решило повторить свой "успех" в деле с Deep Purple и на сей раз предложило ЦДХ в досудебном порядке урегулировать ...

Для того чтобы понять как работает система музыкального вещания UltiVox не нужно заказывать презентацию и покупать оборудование...
Вы можете ознакомится со всем функционалом нашей системы непосредственно на сайте, с помощью виртуального медиа-плеера UltiVox. Вам достаточно зарегистрироваать гостевой аккаунт и убедиться, как легко программируется музыкальное оформление Вашего бизнеса.
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Наш каталог
Michael Tiernan
Surviving cancer at age 16... At 18, traveling the country in a van with a group...
Seconds Before
Not content to ease into a comfortable niche, Minneapolis modern rock band Secon...
t all started with a shoebox and rubber bands.... Born the son of an electronic...
Four Stones
Victor Stone (aka fourstones) is a DIY remixer, musician and producer in Berkele...
Collection Get
Robo/human duo Collection Get! sounds like a low-bit star fighter, crashing thou...
The Seldon Plan
The Baltimore-based indie pop rockers are known for their "tuneful-wistful rock"...
After several years of performing around Minneapolis as a solo artist, Brad Senn...
Greg Annussek
Greg Annussek first picked up a guitar in his early 20s with the aim of learning...
Leda Atomica
Voted ROCK ALTERNATIVE ARTIST OF THE YEAR by the L.A. Music Awards, named on the...
Mercy Machine
A hybrid between Leonard Cohen's late night confessions and Kate Bush's etherea,...
Angelight is the pen name of a young Russian composer who was the founder of tra...
Dr Sounds
Dr Sounds is Alexander Forselius, a Romanian born artist, creating spacey ambien...
Olexa Kabanov
Olexa Kabanov is a gifted composer and multi talentented musician, primarily kno...
Ray Carl Daye
Ray Carl Daye has been writing and recording electronic/ambient music since 2006...
What is an SGX? It's a male homo-sapien between the ages of twenty and thirty a...
Blue Wave Theory
Blue Wave Theory is an American instrumental rock band formed in 2007 in Cherry ...
Barbara Leoni
Barbara Leoni grew up in Wisconsin and moved out to LA to attend Musicians' Inst...
Big Bad Sun
Although "Big Bad Sun" band leader Chris Juergensen is best known for his sessio...
Kettleblack is a Southern California - based blues/rock band that is on the rise...
Tom Paul
Tom Paul has been writing and playing his own music for two decades and in the p...
More than music. Delivering the magic of Kaïssa's voice is only the start for t...
Lisa DeBenedictis
Lisa DeBenedictis is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and DIY producer...
Ras Tilo
Ras Tilo is a travelling musician, music producer and a free music activist. His...
It all started with a shoebox and rubber bands.... Born the son of an electroni...
Richard G. Jones began DJing parties in Florida in the early nineties. His uniqu...
MonkeyTrial are: Shaun Bailey: guitars, octave mandola, synthesisers, geometry...
Nick Kingsley
Nick Kingsley's musical style would be hard to pigeon hole. Drawing influence fr...
Nominally an electronic rock project, the best word to describe Psycliq's music ...
Red Sky Lullaby
Red Sky Lullaby is Stuart Kilbride. He grew up in London on a diet of Funk, Jazz...
Vate began to make music in 1988. In 1999, after having gathered some music made...